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“Mi sono avvicinato alla fotografia per puro caso. Non per darmi delle arie, ma ho sempre creduto di farcela.. non so come mai ma sento che ho molto in comune con i grandi artisti. Forse perché nulla si distrugge e nulla si crea, tutto si trasforma forse anche le anime quindi si rincarnano! Non mi reputo un fotografo. Forse più una miscela tra fotografia e arte! Io la chiamo ANALFABETISMOFOTOGRAFICO dalla Z alla A, il processo inverso dell’alfabeto, perché mi reputo una persona partita dai bassi fondi che si sta facendo strada da solo senza nessun aiuto, sarà durissima ma sono certo che riuscirò.. ogni mio scatto racchiude una parte di me, c’è ancora molto da scoprire e da svelare!”

I got involved in photography by pure chance, and as I got to know artists like Man Ray, JR and Terry Richardson I kept finding in their works a lot of my feelings, ideas and ways of communicating. Maybe it’s because nothing is completely destroyed, and everything emerges from something that is already there, transforming our souls, moving from the abstract into the body. I do not think of myself as a man that captures light and shapes just to show what their combination provides. Instead, through my camera I look for the intersection between representation and emotion, meaning and shape. Every shot I have contains a part of me, and every glance towards this world creates a new part of myself to explore. I call my approach Illiterate Photography from the Z to the A, a movement walking back through a one way path that challenges the structure we inhabit. I’ve often felt on my skin the burning sensation of not having the possibilities that many others give for granted. Coming from an Italian mother and a Moroccan father I’ve walked the lower grounds of society, making my way up without help. The path is long, it will be tough, but I'm sure I will arrive to my destination.

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